Dream Bigger

What does it mean to have big dreams? To dream bigger?


So, For me and my family this is not just a materialistic goal or drive.  For us it is much more. It encompasses the mastery of our mind, body, soul, family, relationships, lifestyle, emotions,  passions, freedoms, and adventures. Dreaming bigger doesn’t have to be so complex but, for my family and I, it is. And we love to spread joy as much as possible. You can choose to embrace the complexity in life and learn how to manage it. This is what me and my family do. Just think, our brains are more powerful than a supercomputer. And can hold an unlimited amount of information. Why don’t we use it that way? The truth is, most of us haven’t been taught to. This means to constantly be educating oneself and improving oneself. 

Here, within this site, there are All Kinds of products and opportunities to help us achieve everything I’ll discussing in this article.

Dream and Grow at the Same Time

The biggest dream My family and I share is to have a stable, self sufficient, energy saving, and welcoming homestead. And to be smiling a lot more often. A home where we can build and share passions, projects, and good times for generations to come. Real generational wealth. A home where dreams come true everyday without the bogging down that comes so commonly to a lot of us right now. To walk out in our greenhouses and gather produce to make our own home cooked meals to share with our loved ones. To hike through our forests on wild adventures and not be worried about the daily grind and attachments.

A Day in the life When you Dream Bigger

Where do my Family and I wake up?

What will this day look like for us?

Firstly, we’ll be in a king size bed, mirror on the ceiling. The bed will be dressed with Black Silk bed sheets and pillow cases. A comforter with Images of elephants. 

Secondly, As we get out of bed, lights come on automatically. Blinds will open at the sound of my command. Thank you Alexa! Our room is connected directly to the master suite bathroom. Smooth transition with no door. Only the toilet will have a door. Giant bathroom. Double everything. And a spa. Forest themed shower stall, and Heated floors. Smart vanity mirror with our daily schedule on it. Therefore, we’ll already have a clear idea of how the day is going to go. 

Third, also connected to the bathroom is the walk-in closet. The floor transitions to hard carpet, like a department store. Here, everything will be laid out and organized like you just walked into a Department store. We put on something that looks professional and comfortable. And Everything made from hemp. We look good for the day!

Fourth, we make our way out to the kitchen. This is where the family Conjugates. Meg and I will check in with the kids. Moreover, we’ll probably have done this already if we have our own personal robot assistants. I’m looking to have robots doing a lot of our household chores. 

Everything Omelet Please!

Breakfast will be made by me. A wholesome healthy breakfast. Made with everything from our homestead. Everything from the eggs to the bread will be made there on site. All of us are having a good time being goofy. 

After breakfast everyone goes their separate ways. The kids off to school, or their rooms and to the computer for homeschooling. The kids’ rooms will fit each of their individual personalities. For example, my daughter’s room will be geared towards arts and crafts. My son will be a gaming theme. Like a lot of kids, they love their screens. It’s up to us to teach them to use it correctly though. It is the way of the future after all. 

For my wife and I, we go to our shared office. It’s going to be set up like a real office floor. We’ll have our own cubicle with half height walls and everything. Watercooler in the corner. First thing done for  work is connecting with leads looking to become an entrepreneur online and connecting them with awesome products to sell. Truly changing lives as it’s done for me. Furthermore, give presentations on how to better yourself and achieve your most desired goals. Then, onto social media management, Creating ads and pages for the blog, etc.. I would like to make sure I acquire 2 new students that day. 

Lunch time! 

Something else I like to prepare. My kids almost always go for a parfait. I’m sure my wife will have a toasted cheese sandwich. For me, It’s sushi. 

After this, it’s back to work for some more meetings, creation, and household chores. Possibly get the kids off to one of their extra curricular activities. Meagan and I go and tend to the gardens. Whatever is needed. The garden will be tended to by robot’s as well. We just maintain the overall and harvest. Once over, I go and do some more meetings.

When it comes time for dinner, everyone helps out. We make it fun. One of our favorite pastimes is to cook things from Facebook and Pinterest. Now, because I’m a wine snob, I look for the perfect pairing of food and wine. The enhancement of food from the wine is very enjoyable once you’ve experienced it from a true fine wine. The difference is undeniable.  

How would you end the night on such a perfect day?

Our family favorite would be, family game night and/or a movie.

This all may seem simple and maybe a bit anticlimactic but, This is our dream. Achieving this will make me and my family feel truly fulfilled with stability and place to plant our feet. This will mean our kids will always have a place to call home. They can even build on the land and stay if they choose to. 

Dream Bigger for Freedom

What would you do with Financial freedom?

Another big dream of ours is exploring more freedoms. Financial stability/intelligence, debt free, and generational growth is probably the hardest dream for many to obtain. Aiming to live a lifestyle, where if we want to go on a family vacation and make memories at any moment, we have the freedom to do so.  Wanting to be able to see a family member struggle with one situation or another and being able to freely and fearlessly support them in any way possible. Wanting to have a life with the freedom of time constraints. These are all big dreams we aspire to accomplish, that we are in the active pursuit of.

Dream Bigger and the Why Statement.

All entrepreneurs have their Why Statement. This could mean all kinds of things. Everyone is different. Yeah? Dream bigger goes hand and hand with the why statement(s). In addition to dreaming big, we have to break that down into smaller steps. Like anything else it is about starting small and imperfect. And continue growing from there. Let me share my why statement. 

Starting off from what was mentioned before.

First, I want to achieve great balance, understanding, acceptance, and communication. 

Second, Always be the parent at my kids games, events, and practices. 

Third, Bring the big family parties back into my family’s life.

Fourth, I would like to start homeschooling my kids. 

And Lastly, I would like to start a life coaching business with my wife. (Can’t Wait till everyone meets her). All the while, working on our homestead, with Complete self sufficiency. And, by the time we hit our 50’s,  to be an investor, Business owner, and The best father and husband. I dream of having a stable foundation for my family And generations to come.